"Days we spent in the mall or out in the parking lot playing stick ball, but nights were what we waited for. The heat in the apartments was like something heavy that had come inside to die. Families arranged on their porches,the glow from their t.vs washing blue against the brick. From my; family apartment you could smell
the pear trees that had been planted years ago, four to a court, probably to save us all from asphyxiation"
This is an excerpt from the short story "Drown". Thw whole book is a series of short stories told from our boy
Yunior's point of view, from not only different times in his life but from different locations. In spite of this
"helter skelter" approach I was endeared to Yunior even when he was'nt making the best choices for himself.
The stories that stood out for me where"Boyfriend","Fiesta 1980","Negocios.". Reading this book was like spending time with Homeboy from around the corner that went to college,who didn't mind telling you about his experiences. I feel this author's style is hypnotic, intense , giving you the reader an altogether to real glimpse into the lives of people who struggle with poverty. I love this book.Love is the only word I could come up with to describe my affection for it,not strong enough to describe it accurately , I and yet it will have to suffice. This
book will have a home in my permanent collection,which is primarily made up of literary fiction and some nonfiction. I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
Side note: This book counts toward my "Out do yourself Challenge " and "2ndChallenge" ,since this is the
second book I have read by the author.Yes I am starting the new year off right