If you would like to post links to your giveaways,book reviews,challenges, memes,etc.... see the post below this one.(Book BLog News)
the question this week is "Why do you read the genre that you like?What draws you to it?
I love reading Adult literature, emphasis on the word literature. I am not interested in books that are just
popular because what is bestselling isn't always literary. I love authors who know how to write a good plot,believable conversations, and imagery. The writing should swallow me whole. I should be burning the meatloaf I am
cooking because I can't pull myself away from the story to check on it. I want to finish the book with the
characters still on my mind ,even after I have read the books weeks ago. I read Christian books mostly to see how other Christians live and as for mysteries well I just like to see the cops catch the bad guy!