Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Contest Giveaway:2 copies of Fall to Grace by Jay Bakker

Fall to Grace: A Revolution of God, Self & Society I have 2 copies of Fall to Grace by Jay Baker

Here are the rules :
1. You must be a follower of this blog.

2.  You must be a U. S or Canada residents.

3.Leave your email in the comment section of those post. Dont forget you only have 48 hours to respond
if you win and it eats up time if you give me an email you dont use that much so please check here or my Facebook Page:Cheryl's Real Book Blog  Deadline Is Feb 1,2011

If you stumbled across this because of the food hops I participate on Tuesdays go to www.scrapaddict4sure.com for the recipe and the Linky List.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Book Review:Fall to Grace: A revolution of God,Self &Society by Jay Baker (part 1)

Fall to Grace: A Revolution of God, Self & Society"It's a huge deal, this word Abba;this familar language.   It changes everything.In speaking to God this way,Jesus shows us that there is a relationship even more devout than obedience.  He show us that it's possible to know God in an intimate way, that there's a loving exchange  available here.  What could be holier than that?  I love the idea of Abba , because it encapsulates the Fundamental change from law to grace,from judgement to love.  My; friend Brennan Manning wrote an entire book about the Abba concept, called"Abba's child"In it he describes how transformative the Abba-son relationship has beef for him:"The greatest gift I have ever received from Jesus Christ has bee the Abba experience," He writes."My dignity as Abba's child is my most coherent sense of self"  I have taken this from page 74-75 of the book"Fall to Grace: a Revolution of God, Self&Society"  I feel this illustrates the vcery core of God's Grace and what this book is showing us is that His
grace is available to everyone,in spiet of mistakes , poor choices, or negatiave experiences we may have had with other well intentioned Christians.the book is divided into 3 sections.
Part I Revolution of God
Part II Revolution of Self
Part III Revolultion of Society
I want to give a longer post about this so I am posting Part 2 next week so stay tuned.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Book Review ""Drown" by Junot Diaz

"Days we spent in the mall or out in the parking lot playing stick ball, but nights were what we waited for. The heat in the apartments was like something heavy that had come inside to die.  Families arranged on their porches,the glow from their t.vs washing blue against the brick.  From my; family apartment you could smell
the pear trees that had been planted years ago, four to a court, probably to save us all from asphyxiation"
This is an excerpt from the short story "Drown".  Thw whole book is a series of short stories told from our boy
Yunior's point of view, from not only  different times in his life but from different  locations. In spite of this
"helter skelter"  approach I was endeared to Yunior even when he was'nt making the best choices for himself.
The stories that stood out for me where"Boyfriend","Fiesta 1980","Negocios.".  Reading this book was like spending time with Homeboy from around the corner that went to college,who didn't mind telling you about his  experiences.  I feel this author's style is hypnotic, intense , giving you the reader an altogether  to real glimpse into the lives of people who struggle with poverty.  I love this book.Love is the only word I could come up with to describe my affection for it,not strong enough to describe it accurately , I  and yet it will have to suffice. This
book will have a home in my permanent collection,which is primarily made up of literary fiction and some nonfiction.  I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
Side note:  This book counts toward my "Out do yourself Challenge " and "2ndChallenge" ,since this is the
second book I have read by the author.Yes I am starting the new year off right

Friday, January 14, 2011

Book blog News and Crazy-for-Books

If you would like to post links to your giveaways,book reviews,challenges, memes,etc.... see the post below this one.(Book BLog News)

the question this week  is "Why do you read the genre that you like?What draws you to it?
I love reading Adult literature, emphasis on the word literature.  I am not interested in books that are just
popular because what is  bestselling isn't always  literary.  I love authors who know how to write a good plot,believable conversations,  and imagery.  The writing should swallow me whole.  I should be burning the meatloaf I am
cooking because I can't pull myself away from the story to check on it.  I want to finish the book with the
characters  still on my mind   ,even after I have  read the books weeks ago.  I read Christian books mostly to see how other Christians  live and as for mysteries well I just  like to  see the cops catch the bad guy!

Book Blog News :Post links to your giveaways,memes, challenges,etc....

Hello fellow addicts if you are looking for the place to  promote what's going on at your book blog
then you have found the right place!   Tell us about your latest giveaway,book review  how you;what challenges
you are participating in etc... I believe that if people get a broader perspective of what you are doing then
they will be more likely to follow you.  Just a few things.
1. Grab my button in the sidebar!

2.  A worded link in your post is accepatable(i.e www.bookaddict4real.com)

3.  If you would like to include awards you have recently won or just book related news
that's fine ,too. Have fun(I may try a thumbnail just to see how it looks)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Book Review Shanghai Girls by Lisa See

Shanghai Girls: A NovelPearl and May chin live the enchanted life any girl in 1937 Shanghai would envy. Their Father
owns a rickshaw business and is considered wealthy in his community.They have a cook, servants  and someone
to tend to the garden.  Even their Mother lives the life of leisure having lunch with friends, playing Mah Jonng.  The girls theselves make money modeling for artists who specialize in Beautiful girls calendars,posters,etcc....
Life is peaceful until  the day they find out about their Father's gambling debt.He has sold them as wives to cover
the money he owes  to the Green Gang.  Shortly after this life altering news, the Japanese have begun invading China.Will they survive the next few days?   Can you find love in an arranged marriage?   Will they adapt to life
in  America?  I found Lisa See's writing to be very meticulous,vivid and infused with imagery.I am not familiar
with her previous work but it definitely  made want to check it out.  Overall I gave this book 5 out of
5 stars. I feel that I got my money's worth.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Book Review:Power to Reinvent Yourself by Jason Frenn

Missionary Evangelist Jason Frenn was born October 24 1966 in Los Angelas;,Calfornia.   In 1991 ,with his Power to Reinvent Yourself: How to Break the Destructive Patterns in Your Lifewife Cindee moved to Costa Rica,then dedicated the next year learning to speak Spanish.By 1994 during one
of the crusades being held the Lord inspired him to hold open air crusades in Latin America.  Fast forward to
today  where he not only held 53 international crusades,he hos a daily radio program called Radio Nueva Vida that reaches an audience of 500,000 in parts of Oregon,all of California and Northern Mexico.

So how can this book "Power to Reinvent yourself " change your life today?  By recognizing the vital role that
God is any believers life, primarily.  One of the things I appreciated about this book was it's simplicity.  There are 6 chapters .  The two most important being Chapter 5 Choose to Forgive and Chapter 6 Overcome with the Help of Others. You have to have a supportive group of people behind you if you are to make any lasting changes.  The only thing I would have liked to have seen was more quotes from the Bible less paraphrasing
and testimonies are important but not a substitute for the Word of God..  I definitely think it should be apart of
your Christian reading material.  I gave it 4 out of 5 stars.

FTC Disclosure: I would like to thank Faithwords (Imprint of Hatchette Book Group) for allowing me the opportunity to review this book.  I dont't receive money to review this book. ( I am however an Amazon Associate)

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