- Silver Girl(2011)
- The Island(2010)
- The Castaways(2009)
- A Summer Affoir(2008)
- Barefoot(2008)
- The Love Season(2007)
- The Blue Bistro(2006)
- Summer People(2004)
- Nantucket Nights(2002)
- The Beach Club(2000)
insult to injury she has to ask her estranged friend, Connie Flute for a place to stay on the island since the feds
got everything except the money that Meredith had made on her own. Her son, Leo Delinn is also under investigation since he also worked with his dad,meaning she can't have contact with him either. Now don't think this ordeal is a cakewalk for Constance, aka Connie. Aside from the fact that she would be vilified
by the public , she was trying to adapt to being a widow and reconcile her differences with her only child , Ashlyn.
My overall impression:Since this is my first experience that I can remember with escapist literature I can only judge it against works of literature that is on the more creative end of the literary scale. I was prepared to strongly dislike Meredith, I mean boo hoo ,poor you , you only have 40,000 in your bank account. Alot of people are struggling and would love to have her problem and even on a red letter day I don't get to vacation
on Nantucket! What saves this book from being a crybaby -free-for -all is the authors skill use of plot. By interweaving Meredith and Connie's past as well as their frailties that were exposed in the present makes them more human more approachable. This is the perfect book to take with to the doctor's office or dmv. I
give this book 3 1/2 out of 5 stars