I know that's not 2 words.lol) I love reading a novel that has the intrigue of a mystery or spy book with
more imagery and a good use of plot.Angela Sloan is the daughter of a former CIA agent,Ray Sloan, who
is reenlisted in for just one more assignment. The job sounds easy but he doesnt want Angela to know about it.
Itturns out that to be the Wategate incident and boy does the action really pick up here. I have to say ,after
reading this novel ,I have a newfound respect for anyone who had to work undercover in the 1970's with the CIA! You had to know your cover story, not only know when someone is following you ,but how to get rid of them, and if you have been found out you have to recall your code word. Anyone contact you have with
your "coworker" has to be through a crossword puzzle so you wont be discovered. I loved this quirky charcter. I highly recommend that you read it. I give this book 4 stars out of 5 . I would also like to thank
Free Press for giving me the oppurtunity to review this book.