No longer do you have to navigate rocky terrain each and every chapter has a survival strategy for example
Chapter 1 Survival Strategy #1 Making good friends in college is important but it takes time. Be patient, be smart, and stay connected to your support network- the friends and family who helped you get this far.
Chapter 4 Survival Strategy # 4 Homesickness is a fact of college life ,but it doesn't have to defeat you. Develop habits and relationships that will help ward off your longing for homr. Also through each chapter are real life stories of actual college students themselves as wellas tips you can find online. Here's a few other
Cchapters I thought were helpful:
Chapter 8 Real stats and strategies on mental health
Chapter 11 How to be a college student and Time management
Chapter 13 The care and feeding of the college professor
Chapter 19 Am I Safe,Don't be Paranoid just be Smart
chapter 23 there's no vitamin C in orange soda and doritos aren't a food group.
I even went to The Freshman Survival guide website for the study budget. Go to the link that says Listing by Chapter then click chapter 11.. I gave copies to my oldest daughter who is already taking dual credit courses
at her high school.0. While this resource is good enough for my daughter, I would never mislead her or your
the reader that this a a go to guide in terms of how to remain a Christian while you're at college. This isn't that boook. Nothing of course will replace the bible and believe me when I tell you my child has 3 already. What I was hoping for was a supplemental guide in a language and perspective that a young adult could
rrrelate to. I still give this book 4 stars out of 5 only in terms of a resource guide. I would like to thank Center Street for allowing me the opportunity to review the book. I am an Amazon Associate but I don't recieve money to review the book.