Part I of the book lays down the foundation for why it would benefit you to change your negative thinking
she gives concrete facts in conjunction with scripture. Chapter 2 Teach your mind to work for you, she introduces the concept of having more control over your thoughts . For example:"According to the world renowned Mayo Clinic, thinking positively may result in the following health benefits:
- Decreased negative stress
- Greater resistance to catching the common cold
- A sense of well being and improved health
- reduced risk of coronary artery disease
- Easier breathing if you have certain lung diseases such as emphysema
- Improved coping ability for women with high risk pregnancies
- Better coping skills during hardships.
page 46"....The greatest weapon you and I have is the truth of God's Word.IICor10:5 says we must lead
every thought captive into the obedience of Christ."
Chapter 4 On Purpose Thinking
page 62
"Let me be quick to say that you should not fell condemned if you are struggling with your thought lif right now or if you face struggles in the days to come.Condemnation only weakens you, and it never helps to make progress.
The remainder of the book is illustrating each of the 12 thoughts (based on the Word of God ) that will
have a positive impact on your life. Also I noticed there are more fill in the blank type questions in each
section so I think this is a good idea . You have an option of either taking 1 thought per week or 1 thought
per month. The only reason I haven't completed the book is because I want to slow down and focus on
1 thought per month but that 's my preference. I would highly recommend this book I am giving it 5 out of 5 stars. I would also like to take this time to thank Faith Words which is a branch of the The Hatchett Book Group and no I don't receive any money to write these reviews