Thanks Carolina fromWrite with me was so kind to give me this award make sure you check her blog out.
Even thought I've won this before it still feels good to get it . I believe I am suppose to mention 7 things about
myself and give this to 15 people. I will try to give this award to 15 people I haven't given this ,too. Since I want time to think about who that should be I will come back and add their links to this post .(So don't be surprised if the list has grown). I am a pretty transparent person (On my other blog ) so it shouldn't be hard to think of 7 things you don't know about me. For example:
1. I use to love watching Speed Racer as a kid.
2.I have learned to cook Asian food because I think the Chinese buffets by my house are terrible!
3.One of my favorite books as a kid was Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass it's the only book I've read more than once.
4.I am happily addicted to coffee.
5. A Good day for me involves reading, and art journaling ( or scrapbooking)
6.I have lived in San Diego for a total of 8 years.
7.My favorite books are "House on Mango Street","The Bell Jar", and "The Bluest Eye"
The Versatile Award goes to:
Don't forget to check out my guest post below this one!