I am giving away 2 copies of "Power Thoughts" by Joyce Meyer (2 post down) and the Review for "Miles From Nowhere" by Nami Mun is below that . Geez Louise I need to organize my time!
It's that time of the week again and this week's question comes from The Paperback Princess "If you find a book that is interesting but is a part of a series , do you always start with the first title?" Back in the day when the Bookmobile use to come to my elementary school I use to read everything in the Nancy Drew series or the Beverly Cleary books about Ramona .(I realize I give away my age when I write things like this!)
I tried to follow along with "The Series of Unfortunate Events" by Lemony Snicket when my oldest was in like the 6th or 7th grade but what I 've come to realize that unless it's James Patterson's books or Alan Jacobson
where they can stand alone I really suck at keeping up with any series. I don't know maybe it's an adult form of adhd
that I really detest long posts and this is dangerously close to being one of them . Thanks for stopping by!