Hello fellow book lovers it's that time of week again!
You may post links to your book blog, up to 3 genres that you review and /or your giveaways.
If you have a weekly meme that you participate in or host that's fine, also. It's totally up to you.
Just a few things:
1. Grab my button and post it on your blog( a worded link is o.k. I know we post alot about our own
thing.so http://www.bookaddict4real.com/ is ok as well.
2.Please leave comments on other people's blogs. We all love to get feed back I know I do !
3. Follow blogs that are of interest to you . Mostly have fun . I have found alot of cool blogs this way.
I am looking forward to do the same here.
so you're post may look like this
http://www.bookaddict4real.com/ (Adult lit,Christian,and mysteries) Giveaway"The Unnamed" by Joshua Ferris.