Saturday, August 7, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award part 2

 Here is part two
I wanted to include links to these blogs that I thought were cool
(Check out the June 26 for the part one)

As you can see by this side of the list I love scrapbooking and art journaling as much as I do reading(hence the other blog)  I apologize for the big gap in between my computer crashed in June for 3 weeks and the kids
spilled something on the hard drive in July so I was out of commission 2 more weeks.  So if you don't see your blog in this post Part I is in the June 26th entry that I had to do at the library.

New Location

If you have made it here then I want to direct you to my newer improved blog over on wordpress ( New blog .) I just want to thank you guys f...