It's that time of the week againGood morning to everybody from the hop
Lori(Jennifer's friend)helped her come up with a great question
Who is your new to you favorite author? Mine is Jamie Ford the book addicts on Good reads
had picked this one a couple of months. I just not too long ago got it. The reason I say he's my new favorite author
is that he has the gift wehn it comes to using similies and metaphors in his writing. I swear I kept checking the front of the book to see if he had more than one book! I mean to say He writes like someone
who's been around the block is a gross understatement he is the block! The story's main character
Henry Lee is faced with life after his wife of many years has died. What his son Marty doesn't know is that
his father is the staunch Chinese Nationalist he thinks he is. His best friend from childhook was a Japenese
girl named,Keiko who was taken taken away to the Japanese internment camps set up in 1942.
The other I really like about this author's writing style is that he can go from 1942 to 1986 seemlessly
I would give this book more than 5 stars if I could it's that good but 5 is the maxium I give anyone
this one is going in the permanent collection. So who is your favorite author? Who is your all-time favorite?
You can post your links to your giveaways ,book reviews,etc.. in the post below and dont forget my
contest giveaway of Rules of Betrayal ends this Sunday so check out that 2 posts down