Two former college students , who are now physicists meet for there monthly
diatribe at Sebastian's house, Maike tolerates these visits although she intiated them.
Someone will get murdered in this book but that's not as interesting as who kidnapped
Liam,Sebastian only child. Usually a murder will start with the investgators point of view. So early on you will know who killed who and why but the kidnapping is the
jreall msytery here. Another thing I thought was radically different was the imagery
was extremely well done . Normally authors only focus on plot . But this isn't an either or the author can do both. Detective Schilf 's Character was the most intriguing and that's kida funny since you dont see him until much later in the story. His illness
seems to be driving his need to know the truth and may have altered his way of doing things. Overall I was definitely into this . The author is from Germany so this also counts for my Orbus Terrarum Challenge and I have 6 more books to
go ) so what should my next author or country be?
New Location
If you have made it here then I want to direct you to my newer improved blog over on wordpress ( New blog .) I just want to thank you guys f...
i know my upper arms will grow flabby it's true of all the women in my family i know that the purple views like dead fish in Seine ...
I didn't want to wait on my knees In a room made quiet by waiting. A room where we'd listen for the rise Of breath, the bur...