This story is set in Wideland,Oklahoma and narrated by Hattie Brown a 91 year old resident
who grew up near our characters Hermain and Myine. Thing is the story really begins with Myine's
grandparents Val Strong and Irene Lowell in the earlier part of the 20th century. Now I don't care
how you speed that up it's a lot of ground to cover and that's o.k. if you have a point. That's my biggest
disappoint for about 3/4th of the book I couldn't tell what the point was. This author is an excellent
short story teller. It seems like this would've been better off told as a series of short stories instead of
cramming this together under the ruse of publishing a novel. Another thing that irked me is the fact that
the author stuck alot of religous beliefs that had nothing to do with the story. I would only give
her 2 1/2 out of 5 stars
New Location
If you have made it here then I want to direct you to my newer improved blog over on wordpress ( New blog .) I just want to thank you guys f...
i know my upper arms will grow flabby it's true of all the women in my family i know that the purple views like dead fish in Seine ...
I didn't want to wait on my knees In a room made quiet by waiting. A room where we'd listen for the rise Of breath, the bur...