Thursday, November 12, 2009

classic review

This will be one of many classic review (Usually a book that's 10 years or older will fit this category)
Nathaniel Branden's A Woman's self esteem was one of the 10 or so books on a website that recommended
this book for better self-esteem. Nathaniel Branden is a pioneer in the field of self esteem.He was researching
this subject in the 1960's when noone even consider the importance of feeling good about oneself. Having
said that imagine my surprise when Part one of the book is basically a recap of the Six Pillars of Self Esteem!
Part two covers  Special Issues such as Romantic Love,Fear of Selfishness and Expressing Anger
( I liked this chapter) and Part three Enpowering Straties such as Try Something  Different ,Knowing Your
Boundaries and Building a Career.  This is only a partial list of the table of contents.  I was also surprised
that he quoted himself from another one of his books  as if to say that he didn't need to use any other
opinon outside of his own. I also find it very ironic that he would name one of thchesechapters Try Something
Different when he uses that same old "stem completion exercises "he has used in serveral of  his books!
Basically he starts a sentence and you write six to ten different endings for each of the stems for two weeks
I dont know about you but I have a life outside of this.Is it effective ? Yes. Is this practical ?No.
My overall impression is that this is more of a supplemental book.  If you already read the Six Pillars of Self
Esteem then you've already read a third of this book and when it promises to give you "step by step guidance
for women who want to transform themselves it falls short. I give this book 3 out of 5 stars

for a complete list  of the recommended books you can go to

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