Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Juicy Pens and Thristy Paper by Sark

I mean what writer wouldn't want to get
tips from a writer who has been published
regularly for the past  20 years?   Here is a
partial list of the Table of Contents and a few of the sections in each chapter I thought were very helpful.

Introduction(Please read this part  it's very inspiring to see how Sark started out)
Chapter 1 Being a writer
My Writing Process pg. 30
Ways to Move your tools pg. 35

                                                      Chapter 2 Time+energy to write +create
Writing as a Hilarous Practice pg.65

Chapter 3 Games,stories and ways to get your Juicy Pens moving like crazy
Create your writer's support journal pg 91
Book title game pg97

Chapter 4 Difficulties ,challenges, and ways to transform these
Writer's wheel of supportpg 107
Writer's solution sheet and ways to put the solutions into practice pg.109
Chapter 8 Excellent writing resources just for you
Writing inspiration and instruction pg 176
Writer's websites pg 178
Inspiring Books for Writers pg 181

Again this is  a  portion of the  Table of Contents  there was  other useful things I just couldn't put it all!
I had been personally blocked for months
then I got this book.  I started one micromovement at a time doing poetry and posting some on the internet.
Eventually it led to this blog  and another that I maintain! I was on a writer's forum and there was
some poor blocked soul that was looking for some practical advice
about overcoming writer's block and was quickly told by a few of the members  that writer's block only exists if he thinks it did!
I strongly disagree with that .  I do think there are some warm up activities you can do  to  that will lead to longer writing sessions.  So what is your opinon?  Do we make writing  harder than it has to be?Are there things  we can do to be more productive?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Classic review

What makes a book a classic?  In terms of literature,for me personally, it has to have
a have a good use of imagery, dialogue, and a believable plot.  As for nonfiction or a self help book that offers practical advice,wisdom and insight that is just as useful today as it was then.  I would like to continue in this series with a book called "Woman Hollering Creek and other stories" by Sandra Cisneros. To say this is a provactive collection o short stories is putting it midly.Ms.Cisneros is a craftsman when it comes to using similes( a lost art form if you ask me but I digress!)I find that the characters resonate deeply with me whether of not it was a story told from a child's point of view, or a teenager's , etc.. I could definitely relate.  Any great  piece of literature should make you think about things differently and the story, in this case
stories should linger on your mind the way a good dream does long after you have awakened .  For me this was that book.  I gave it 5 out of 5 stars

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I alex cross

I, Alex Cross  Alex Cross has to find the killer that murdered a Family Member.  Will  this be the case
that becomes his undoing?  His oldest son Damon is away at boarding school, his daughter Jannie and Ali live with him.  Can his relationship with Bree survive the demands of his job?  Poor Nana(his grandmother)
has become ill.  Will she survive.  I got to warn you it is some graphic violence in this book. I think the author
has gotten better with his use of imagery but that's not why I read his books.  He is the master of the plot.  He is very good at this genre.  I give it 4and a half stars

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Swift as Desire

Swift as DesireOk so I am not totally immune to all the Valentine candy and red velvet cupcakes I have been seeing on the web! So in honor of Valentine's Day I am reviewing "Swift as Desire" by Laura Esquivel (The author of Like
Water for Chocolate)Although this is a work of fiction it's also a loving tribute to her late father.
The character Jubulio, a Mexican telephone operator in the late 20's ,early 30's has a gift that noone else has
he can behind people's intentions,mostly he uses that gift to bring people together.  Can he use it to keep him and his wife Lucha together.   See Lucha comes from a well to do family and is having a hard time adjusing
to life with the comfort that wealth brings .  Will don Pedro get his revenge on Jubulio ,who got the better of
him in a poker game? The thing I enjoyed the most about this book was the use of imagery.  The author, has
a very down to earth yet very sensual way of describing things . The dialouge seem to just flow.  The pace of the novel was slower  than a mystery or thriller but intriguing enough to keep my interest.  I gave it 4 out of 5 stars

New Location

If you have made it here then I want to direct you to my newer improved blog over on wordpress ( New blog .) I just want to thank you guys f...